George Leith

Black and white portrait of George Leith in formal attire. The image has ‘Caps. George Gordon Leith’ written on the bottom.
Coverage Dates: 1834 to 1860
County: Wentworth
Township: 1) Binbrook; 2) Ancaster
Lot: 1) 1, 2, 3,4, Block 1; 2) 41, 42, 43
Concession: 1) 2; 2) 2, 1, 1
Gender: Male
Year of Birth: 1812
Year of Death: 1887
Ethnicity: Scottish
Religion: Church of England
Occupation: Gentleman Farmer
Father: Major General Sir George A. W. Leith
Brother: Sir Alexander Wellesly
Wives: 1) Jemima Ramsey, 2) Eleanor Ferrier
Child of 1st marriage:
Son: George William
Children of 2nd marriage:
Daughters: Margaret, Jemima, Charlotte, Eleanor
Son: Alexander
Archive: Private Collection
Posted on Rural Diary Archive: Yes
Age During Diary: 22-48
Coverage: 26 years
Image of George Leith’s open diary. The diary appears to be falling apart as the rim has broken off. The writing on the pages appear to be in cursive, written in black ink on top of brown pages.
The first page of George Leith’s diary, 1834
Portrait of George Leith looking away. Image is in light yellow/grey tones. He is dressed in formal attire.
George Leith, Ancaster, Ontario, in Prominent Men of Canada (1892)