Coverage Dates: 1858 to 1865
County: Stormont
Township: Cornwall
Lot: 36
Concession: 1, 4th range
Gender: Male
Year of Birth: 1818
Year of Death: 1901
Ethnicity: English, French
Religion: Wesleyan Methodist
Occupation: Farmer
Father: James Oliver Bagg
Wife: Elsy Millross
Sons: John, Edward, Horace, Milton, Selah
Daughters: Helen, Anna, Lilian, Mary
Wife: Elsy Millross
Sons: John, Edward, Horace, Milton, Selah
Daughters: Helen, Anna, Lilian, Mary
Archive: Archives of Ontario
Posted on Rural Diary Archive: No
Age During Diary: 39-46
Coverage: 8 years
Like many diarists, Solomon uses the inside pages at the back and front of his diary for miscellaneous items. This includes letters, receipts, and recipes for ringbone and spavin (horse osteoarthritis), horn distemper and various liniments. His father, James Oliver Bagg, was a “country doctor” and is, perhaps, where Solomon got his interest in veterinary remedies. He also copies out share lease agreements for parts of his farm property. His daily entries are regular and very concise: “14 Nov 1858 clear & cool commenced feeding cattle Wind West Wm Sick good sermon Br Gorman.” He and his family live near Moulinette.