Please click on a diarist’s name to access their full profiles.
Diarist Name | Start | End | Township | County | Ethnicity | Occupation | Posted on Rural Diary Archive | Repository |
Adams, Thomas and Sophia | 1880 | 1900 | Delaware | Middlesex | Irish | Farmer | No | University of Western Ontario |
Allan, David | 1862 | 1876 | Guelph | Wellington South | Scottish | Miller, Distiller, Farmer | Yes | Guelph Civic Museum and Archives of the University of Guelph |
Andress, Henry M. | 1858 | 1861 | Lansdowne | Leeds & Grenville | English | Miller | No | Leeds and 1000 Islands Historical Society |
Andrew, Amos | 1930 | 1931 | Auburn | Huron | English | Farmer | No | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Arkell, Elizabeth “Lizzie” | 1923 | 1938 | Culross | Bruce | English & Scottish | Farm Woman | No | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Arkell, William Henry | 1908 | 1915 | Culross | Bruce | English & Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Arner, Alfred L. | 1907 | 1909 | Colchester S./Gosfield | Essex | German | Farmer | Yes | Harrow Early Immigrant Research Society |
Atkins, Vivien Agnus Maud | 1902 | 1905 | South Dumfries | Brant | Irish | Farm Woman | No | McMaster University Archives |
Awrey, Mary Ellen | 1910 | 1916 | Erin | Wellington | English | Drugstore | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Bagg, Solomon D. | 1858 | 1865 | Cornwall | Stormont | English, French | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Baker, Mary Elizabeth “Minnie” | 1914 | 1921 | Yarmouth | Elgin | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Courtesy of Elgin County Archives |
Baker, Lenna | 1901 | 1901 | Woodhouse | Norfolk | English | Teacher | Yes | Courtesy of Private Donor |
Barker, Jean | 1926 | 1926 | South Dumfries | Brant | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Barnes, William Francis | 1834 | 1836 | Norwich | Oxford | Carpenter & Cabinetmaker | Yes | Norwich Archives | |
Barnhill, John | 1874 | 1874 | Morris | Huron | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Barrett, Theobald “Toby” | 1911 | 1959 | Woodhouse | Norfolk | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Barrett, William Henry “Harry” | 1911 | 1912 | Woodhouse | Norfolk | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Bauman, Angus S. | 1904 | 1952 | Peel | Wellington | German | Farmer | Yes | Martin Family Private Collection |
Beaton, Velma | 1930 | 1988 | Puslinch | Wellington | Scottish | Farm Woman | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Beattie, David M. | 1925 | 1989 | Nichol | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Beattie, William | 1866 | 1909 | Nichol | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Beatty, William | 1838 | 1892 | Young & Lansdowne | Leeds & Grenville | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Queen’s University Archives and Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society |
Bedford, Irwin Cecil | 1897 | 1946 | Camden | Kent | Welsh | Farmer | Yes | Kent Branch Ontario Ancestors |
Bell, Reverend William | 1817 | 1849 | Burgess | Lanark | Scottish | Reverend and Teacher | No | Electric Scotland Database |
Bellamy, Eliza | 1854 | 1855 | North Augusta | Leeds & Grenville | Irish | Married to Miller | Yes | Upper Canada Village |
Bergey, David | 1866 | 1924 | Wilmot | Waterloo | Swiss | Farmer, Teacher | Yes | Mennonite Archives of Ontario Conrad Grebel University College |
Birdsall, Richard Everett | 1852 | 1877 | Asphodel | Peterborough East | English | Civil Engineer | No | Trent University Archives, |
Blake, John Alexander | 1874 | 1877 | Niagara | Lincoln | Scottish | Tanner | Yes | Niagara-on-the-Lake Museum |
Blythe, Velma Irene | 1933 | 1945 | Normanby | Grey | English | Stenographer | Yes | Private: Courtesy of Barbara Bowman |
Boothe, Mary Florence “Minnie” | 1897 | 1898 | Osgoode, near Metcalfe | Carleton | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Queen’s University Archives |
Bowerman, Deborah | 1874 | 1892 | Hallowell | Prince Edward | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Prince Edward County Archives |
Bowerman, Vincent | 1877 | 1884 | Hallowell | Prince Edward | English | Retired farmer | Yes | Prince Edward County Archives |
Bowman , James | 1886 | 1944 | Guelph | Wellington | English | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Bremner , James | 1881 | 1881 | Sullivan | Grey | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Brock, Harriet | 1832 | 1836 | Monaghan | Northumberland | English | Married to Lieutenant | No | Trent University Digital Collections, 1835-1836 diary available online at |
Brown Hood, Edith “Gertrude” | 1912 | 1970 | Markham | York | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Markham Museum |
Brubacher/ Bowman, Catherine | 1896 | 1960 | Elmira | Waterloo | German | Married to Engineer/Farmer | No | Waterloo Region Museum |
Buchanan, John G. | 1835 | 1846 | Colchester | Essex | Scottish | Farmer | No | Harrow Early Immigrant Research Society |
Buck, Ernest | 1926 | 1927 | South Dumfries | Brant | German | Milkman , Farm Labourer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Burgess, James “Rowand” | 1911 | 1968 | Arran | Bruce | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Burgess, Elizabeth Oliver “Olive” | 1915 | 1974 | Arran | Bruce | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Butcher, Mary “Minnie” | 1891 | 1918 | Port Sydney, Stephenson | Muskoka | English | Married to Salesman/Agent | Yes | Toronto Public Library |
Butler, Charles | 1833 | 1837 | Near Cobourg, Hamilton | Newcastle District (becomes Northumberland) | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Bygott, Thomas Wilson | 1874 | 1874 | Adophustown | Lennox & Addington | English | Farmer | Yes | Lennox and Addington County Museum |
Cameron, James | 1854 | 1902 | McMaster’s Island | Glengarry | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | The Archives of Ontario |
Campion, Mary Victoria | 1861 | 1863 | Marmora | Hastings | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Upper Canada Village |
Carpenter, James W. | 1880 | 1884 | Sombra | Lambton | English | Farmer | Yes | This diary is available in published form: Donald W. Carpenter, ed. Diary of James W. Carpenter, 1880-1907, Corunna: Donald W. Carpenter, 1991. |
Case, Jacob | 1837 | 1860 | Beverly | Wentworth | German | Farmer/Sawmiller? | Yes | University of Western Ontario |
Clark, John Collins | 1831 | 1864 | Ernestown | Addington | Farmer/Justice of the Peace | No | Library and Archives Canada | |
Clarke, Charles Kirk | 1865 | 1866 | Elora | Wellington | English | Son of a merchant | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Coleman, William R. | 1865 | 1915 | Innisfil | Simcoe | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Simcoe County Archives |
Cooper, Mary Agnes “Aggie” | 1897 | 1954 | Vaughan | York | English | Farm woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Crawford, Benjamin | 1810 | 1859 | North Oxford | Oxford | Irish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Crawford, James Augustus | 1865 | 1880 | North Oxford | Oxford | Irish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Cressman, Ephraim | 1876 | 1911 | Waterloo | Waterloo South | Swiss | Farmer | No | Mennonite Archives of Ontario |
Crombie, Edward Hamerton | 1928 | 1941 | South Dumfries | Brant | Scottish | Farmer | No | McMaster University Archives |
Crombie, Edward Rubidge | 1903 | 1930 | South Dumfries | Brant | Scottish | Farmer/Retired Banker | No | McMaster University Archives |
Crombie, Margaret Reynolds | 1935 | 2002 | London | Middlesex | Irish | No | McMaster University Archives | |
Currie, Ada | 1902 | 1902 | Erin | Wellington | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Davidson, William George | 1889 | 1895 | Amabel | Bruce | Irish | farmer | Yes | Private: Courtesy of the Eby Family |
Davison, Lucy Ella Stover | 1903 | 1904 | Ernestown | Lennox & Addington | German | Farm Woman | Yes | Lennox and Addington County Museum |
Delmage, Olive Esther | 1902 | 1902 | Camden | Lennox & Addington | Irish | Farm woman | Yes | Museum of Lennox and Addington |
Detlor, George Hill | 1822 | 1849 | Fredericksburg | Lennox & Addington | Irish | Farmer, Merchant, Mill-builder, Politician | Yes | Museum of Lennox and Addington |
Dick, Thomas | 1867 | 1905 | West Hawkesbury 1867-94, Vankleek Hill 1894-05 | Prescott | Irish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Dillon, Joseph | 1907 | 1907 | Leeds | Leeds & Grenville | Irish | Marble Cutter | Yes | Delta Mill |
Donovan, Flora “Aleta” | 1914 | 1915 | Sheffield | Lennox & Addington | Irish | Farm Woman | No | Lennox and Addington County Museum |
Donovan, Mary Anne | 1912 | 1912 | Sheffield | Lennox & Addington | Irish | Farm Woman | No | Lennox and Addington County Museum |
Drinkwater, Sarah Hallen | 1840 | 1880 | Orillia | Simcoe | English | Gentleman Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario , Library and Archives Canada |
Dyment, Milton | 1907 | 1941 | Ancaster/Guelph | Wentworth/Wellington | English | farm labourer/farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Easton , George | 1830 | 1839 | Dalhousie | Lanark | Scottish | Farmer/ Teacher | Yes | Middleville Museum |
Eby, Gordon | 1911 | 1919 | Waterloo | Waterloo | Pennsylvania Mennonite | Gardener | No | The original diaries are at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario Conrad Grebel University College. |
Edmison, Alexander Bickerton | 1856 | 1858 | Smith | Peterborough | English | Teacher | No | Upper Canada Village |
Everitt, Anne Thurtell | 1853 | 1853 | Guelph | Wellington | English | Widow | Yes | |
Fallows , Catharine | 1899 | 1903 | West Nissouri | Middlesex E. | English | Farm Woman | No | University of Western Ontario |
Ferguson , John Harrington | 1868 | 1883 | Chinguacousy | Peel | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | This Licensed Material is provided by the Archives of Ontario in addition to Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives |
Ferrier Hutchinson, Jean | 1933 | 1973 | West Garafraxa | Wellington | Farm Woman | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives | |
Fitzgerald, William | 1892 | 1893 | 1) Camden, 2) Pittsburgh | 1) Lennox & Addington, 2) Frontenac | English | Cheesemaker | Yes | Queen’s University Archives |
Fleming, Roy Franklin | 1891 | 1903 | Derby | Grey | Scottish | Farm Boy | Yes | Grey Roots Museum and Archives, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Fleming, Jean “Jennie” | 1869 | 1903 | Derby | Grey | Scottish | Co-manager of General Store | Yes | Grey Roots Museum and Archives, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Fraser, John Bell | 1874 | 1890 | Elizabethtown, then Edwardsburgh | Leeds & Grenville | Scottish | Farmer, then Physician | Yes | Private: Courtesy of Catharine Wilson |
Freure, Benjamin | 1836 | 1842 | Eramosa | Wellington | English | Farmer | Yes | Toronto Public Library |
Galbraith, John | 1793 | 1843 | Princeton/Blenheim | Oxford | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archives of Ontario |
Geddes, James | 1889 | 1893 | Ryerson | District of Parry Sound | Scottish | Farmer/Lay Preacher | Yes | Private Collection of Gordon Darroch & Gail Benjafield |
Geddes, Jessie Dick Wares | 1870 | 1914 | Ryerson | District of Parry Sound | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Private Collection of Gordon Darroch & Gail Benjafield |
Geddes, Malcolm Daniel | 1899 | 1899 | Whitby | Durham | Scottish | Farm Labourer | Yes | Private Collection of Gordon Darroch & Gail Benjafield |
Gibson, David | 1834 | 1852 | York | Willowdale | Scottish | Deputy Surveyor of Roads/Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario & Gibson House Museum |
Gilchrist, John W. | 1931 | 1939 | Puslinch | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Glen, James | 1866 | 1924 | Westminster | Middlesex | Irish | Farmer | No | University of Western Ontario |
Goble, Roseltha Wolverton | 1857 | 1919 | Blenheim | Oxford | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Gohn, George | 1889 | 1921 | Markham | York | German | Farmer | No | Markham Museum |
Goring, Francis | 1790 | 1794 | Nassau | Lincoln | English | Farmer, teacher, land agent | Yes | Niagara-on-the-Lake Museum |
Green , Bella | 1914 | 1919 | Ashfield | Huron | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Green , Mary L. | 1899 | 1900 | Colborne | Huron | Scottish | Housekeeper for Farmer Uncles | Yes | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Griffiths, Margaret Emma | 1899 | 1901 | Thorold | Welland | Welsh | Farm Woman | No | Archives of Ontario |
Hagerman/ Poole, Frances | 1904 | 1924 | Burford, Norwich | Oxford | Scottish | Married to Farmer | No | Norwich Archives |
Handy, Ida Katherine (Kate) | 1875 | 1875 | Howard | Kent | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Private Collection of Leah Wilson |
Harris, John | 1821 | 1832 | Eramosa | Wellington | Irish | Farmer & Teacher | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Hersey, Sarah “Sally” | 1804 | 1849 | Hawkesbury West | Prescott | English/American | Homemaker | Yes | |
Hilborn, Mary Ann “Molly” | 1919 | 1927 | Saugeen | Bruce | English | Farm woman | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Hill, Matilda | 1884 | 1885 | West Garafraxa | Wellington | English | Merchant’s daughter | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Hinman, Smith | 1858 | 1909 | Haldimand | Northumberland | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Holmwood, George | 1888 | 1927 | Guelph | Wellington | English | Farmer | No | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Hope, Walter | 1847 | 1880 | Sydenham | Grey | Scottish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Howell, Samson | 1868 | 1869 | 1) South Dumfries, 2) Carlow | 1) Brant, 2) Huron | German | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Hume, Robert | 1845 | 1867 | Hamilton | Northumberland | English | Farmer | No | Library and Archives Canada |
Hutchinson, William | 1863 | 1864 | Nichol | Wellington | English | Farmer | No | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Hutchinson, Thomas J. | 1939 | 1997 | West Garafraxa | Wellington | Farmer | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives | |
Hyde, Jock | 1913 | 1914 | Amulree | Perth | Scottish | Farmer | No | Waterloo Region Museum |
Iler, Leonard | 1867 | 1872 | Colchester South | Essex | German | Farmer & Minister | Yes | Harrow Early Immigrant Research Society |
James, William | 1877 | 1884 | York | York, now Toronto | Irish | Farmer | No | Toronto Public Library |
Jamieson, John | 1852 | 1860 | Adelaide | Middlesex | Scottish | Farmer/Teacher | No | Toronto Public Library |
Jardine, John Sr. | 1868 | 1905 | Tilbury West | Essex | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Jarvis , Hannah Owen Peters | 1842 | 1845 | Niagara | Lincoln | English | Gentlewoman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Jeffrey, John | 1877 | 1900 | Puslinch | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Johnson, Samuel | 1873 | 1874 | Uxbridge | Ontario | Dutch | Farmer | Yes | Uxbridge Historical Centre |
Johnson, Captain William | 1832 | 1850 | Georgina | York | Scottish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Johnson, Adelbert “Deb” Watson | 1890 | 1900 | Maryborough | Wellington | English | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Johnstone, Mrs. Edna | 1916 | 1921 | McKillop | Huron | Irish | Farm Woman | No | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Jones, Frances Ann (Fanny) | 1878 | 1880 | South Augusta | Leeds & Grenville | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Upper Canada Village |
Kemkes, Edwin | 1914 | 1916 | Dumfries North | Waterloo South | German | Farmer | No | Waterloo Region Museum |
King, Mary Ann | 1888 | 1910 | Willoughby | Lincoln | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Niagara-on-the-Lake Museum |
Klinck, Myrtle | 1908 | 1908 | Stouffville Village, Markham | York | English | Teacher, Retired Farmer’s Daughter | No | Markham Museum |
Kollman, Henry | 1913 | 1914 | Amulree | Perth | German | Farmer | No | Waterloo Region Museum |
Laird, John Guinnis | 1847 | 1847 | Westminster | Middlesex | Irish | Minister | Yes | Private Collection |
Lancley, Edward | 1890 | 1890 | Lansdowne | Leeds & Grenville | English | Farm Labourer | No | Online at Leeds & 1000 Islands Historical Society Newsletter |
Latimer, Amelia “Millie” Lydia | 1907 | 1952 | Osgoode, near Metcalf | Carleton | Irish | Farm Woman | No | Private Collection |
Learn, Andrew McFarland | 1873 | 1877 | Dorchester South | Elgin | German | Farmer | Yes | Private: Courtesy of Catharine Wilson |
Leeder, Sr., Nathaniel Edward | 1854 | 1895 | Saugeen | Bruce | English | Farmer | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Leith, George | 1834 | 1860 | 1) Binbrook; 2) Ancaster | Wentworth | Scottish | Gentleman Farmer | Yes | Private Collection |
Lewis , George Edwin | 1873 | 1874 | Uxbridge | Ontario | Welsh | Farmer | Yes | Uxbridge Historical Centre |
Little, William John “Willy” | 1914 | 1925 | South Dumfries | Brant | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Original in private possession |
Loghrin, Thomas Alexander “Tom” | 1895 | 1936 | Downie | Perth | Irish/Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Original in private possession |
Lucier, Christine Bondy | 1896 | 1903 | Anderdon | Essex | French | Homemaker | Yes | Harrow Early Immigrant Research Society |
MacFarlane, Eliza-Ann | 1887 | 1901 | Stanley | Huron | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Original in private possession. Copy of transcript in Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol. |
MacFarlane, Duncan | 1878 | 1892 | Puslinch | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer & JP | Yes | Original in private possession |
MacGregor, John | 1877 | 1883 | Charlottenburg | Glengarry | Scottish | Farmer | No | Queen’s University Archives |
MacLeod, William Neynoe | 1870 | 1917 | Westminster, Stamford | Middlesex, Welland | Scottish | Farm labourer, farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
MacLeod, Harold Stewart | 1904 | 1904 | Stamford | Welland | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Main, Stephen “Sylvester” | 1889 | 1922 | Beverly | Wentworth | German | carpenter, photographer | Yes | Private Donor |
Malloch, John Glass | 1841 | 1845 | Perth | Bathurst District, later Lanark | Scottish | Lawyer, Farmer, Judge | No | Archives of Ontario |
Manson, Edith | 1924 | 1928 | Norwich | Oxford | Scottish | No | Norwich Archives | |
Marks , John Bennett | 1824 | 1828 | Richmond | Frontenac | English | Farmer | No | Library and Archives Canada |
Martin, David | 1858 | 1882 | Beverley | Wentworth | Scottish | farmer | Yes | Private Donor |
Martin , James S. | 1870 | 1878 | West Garafraxa | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Martyn, Fanny “Frances” Fearman | 1943 | 1945 | Dorchester South | Elgin | English | Farm woman | Yes | Privately owned |
Mathers, Adeline | 1932 | 1934 | Morris | Huron | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Maurer, Ellamanda Krauter | 1917 | 1967 | Woolwich | Waterloo North | German | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Mayes , Rev. Robert | 1874 | 1877 | Draper | Muskoka | English | Farmer and Minister | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
McCulloch, Mary | 1898 | 1898 | Chinguacousy | Peel | Irish | Housekeeper | Yes | Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives |
McDonald, Mary Josephine (Minnie) | 1917 | 1919 | Cornwall | Stormont | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
McKay, Albert “Russell” | 1908 | 1916 | Reach | Ontario | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
McKay, John Sutherland | 1866 | 1873 | East Zorra | Oxford | Scottish | farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
McLennan, Christina | 1875 | 1922 | Charlottenburg | Glengarry | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Glengarry County Archives |
McMackon, David | 1896 | 1896 | Orford | Kent | Irish | Cooper | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
McMackon, Walter | 1906 | 1911 | Orford, Sunnidale | Kent, Simcoe | Irish | labourer, book-keeper, farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
McMahon, Henry | 1887 | 1919 | Albion | Peel | Irish | Coal and Potato Merchant , Various other occupations | Yes | Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archive |
McMillan, Franklin | 1911 | 1961 | Nelson | Halton | English | Fruit & Market Gardener | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph and Private Donor |
McTavish , Douglas | 1876 | 1877 | Stanley | Huron | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Michie, Robert | 1899 | 1943 | Reach | Ontario | Scottish | farmer | Yes | Courtesy of private collection |
Michie, John Albert | 1869 | 1899 | Reach | Ontario | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Courtesy of private collection |
Mickle, Kate Halliday | 1893 | 1934 | Elderslie | Bruce | English | Homemaker, Writer | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Middagh, Victoria (Tory) | 1887 | 1888 | Mountain | Dundas | German | Farm Woman | Yes | Private Collection |
Middagh , Lucy | 1884 | 1892 | Mountain | Dundas | German | Farm Woman | Yes | The original diaries are privately held. |
Moir, Forbes | 1884 | 1914 | West Garafraxa | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer & Post Office | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Mott, Phoebe | 1888 | 1891 | Norwich | Oxford | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Library and Archives Canada |
Murray, Donald Alexander | 1887 | 1899 | Zorra East | Oxford | Scottish | Farm labourer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Needham, George | 1875 | 1892 | Moore | Lambton | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Nelson, David | 1864 | 1886 | Otonabee | Peterborough | Scottish | Farmer | No | Library and Archives Canada |
Nichols, Eliphalet Alford | 1849 | 1851 | Bastard, North Crosby | Leeds & Grenville | English | Teacher | Yes | Rideau Lakes Public Library |
Nicholson, Gertrude | 1896 | 1896 | Eramosa | Wellington | English | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph | |
Nimmo, William | 1871 | 1909 | Bosanquet | Lambton | Scottish | General Merchant | No | Lambton County Archives |
Noble, Joseph | 1890 | 1890 | Mulmur | Simcoe | Irish | Farmer | No | Dufferin County Museum and Archives |
Noble, Elizabeth | 1899 | 1899 | Mulmur | Simcoe | Irish | Farm Woman | No | Dufferin County Museum and Archives |
Oakes, Robert B. | 1866 | 1872 | Yarmouth | Elgin | Scottish | Farmer | No | Elgin County Archives |
Olds, Courtland Clarence | 1867 | 1894 | Woodhouse | Norfolk | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Parson Smith, Mary Emily | 1893 | 1921 | Norwich South | Oxford | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Norwich & District Archives |
Patterson , Alice Sophia | 1862 | 1888 | Dunwich | Elgin | Irish | Farm Woman | No | Archives of Ontario |
Peirson, John | 1888 | 1927 | Saugeen | Bruce | English | Farmer | No | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Phenix, John Sr. | 1869 | 1875 | 1) Mono, 2) Nottawasaga | 1) Dufferin, 2) Simcoe | Irish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Phenix, John Jr. | 1892 | 1934 | 1) Mono, 2) Nottawasaga | 1) Dufferin, 2) Simcoe | Irish | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Philp, Elizabeth (Eliza) | 1893 | 1901 | Maryborough | Wellington | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Courtesy of Private Donor |
Philp, Olive | 1914 | 1920 | Maryborough | Wellington | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Courtesy of Private Donor |
Philp Giffin, Clara | 1902 | 1914 | Maryborough | Wellington | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Courtesy of Private Donor |
Playter, Ely | 1801 | 1853 | Lived in Town of York/Toronto | York | English | Tavern-Keeper, Farmer, Lumberman, MP, Militia Officer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Poldon, George Washington | 1873 | 1876 | Norwich North | Oxford South | Scottish | Blacksmith/Carriage maker | Yes | Norwich & District Archives |
Quinn, John Francis | 1897 | 1905 | Lansdowne | Leeds & Grenville | Irish | Farmer | No | Online at Leeds & 1000 Islands Historical Society Newsletter |
Rea, David | 1857 | 1861 | Eramosa | Wellington | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Rea, William | 1854 | 1865 | Eramosa and West Garafraxa | Wellington | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Reesor, Benjamin | 1861 | 1915 | Markham | York | German | Farmer | Yes | Markham Museum |
Rennie, Jane Laing | 1872 | 1874 | Richmond Township | Lennox & Addington County | Scottish | Homemaker | Yes | Private: Courtesy of descendants of the Rennie Family |
Rice, Rev. Ebenezer Muir | 1861 | 1870 | Blandford, West Oxford; Zone | Oxford; Kent | From US | minister | Yes | Canadian Baptist Archives at McMaster Divinity College |
Ripley, Stephen “Marsh” | 1869 | 1871 | South Crosby | Leeds & Grenville | English | Farmer | Yes | Rideau Lakes History Center Archive |
Ripley, Jemima | 1869 | 1871 | South Crosby | Leeds & Grenville | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Rideau Lakes History Center Archive |
Robinson/Sills, Laura | 1901 | 1945 | South Fredericksburg | Lennox & Addington | Dutch | Farm Woman | Yes | Queen’s University Archives |
Robson, David Reid | 1925 | 1927 | South Dumfries | Brant | English | Farmer | No | South Dumfries Historical Society. The current copyright owner is unknown. Please contact the if you are the copyright owner. |
Rogers, Timothy | 1789 | 1799 | Whitchurch | Newmarket | English | Farmer | No | |
Ross, James | 1893 | 1954 | Nichol | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Rothwell , Annie | 1894 | 1895 | Innisfil | Simcoe | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Simcoe County Archives |
Russell, Robert | 1876 | 1900 | Proton (and Melancthon) | Grey | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Rutherford, Annie | 1894 | 1895 | Sydenham | Grey | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Private Collection Courtesy of David & Jock Rutherford |
Rutherford, Margaret | 1917 | 1917 | Sydenham | Grey | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Grey Roots Museum and Archives |
Schulze, Arthur Emil | 1860 | 1861 | Maitlandville, Colborne | Huron | German | Gardener, Cigar Maker | No | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Scott, Andrew Brown | 1857 | 1857 | Chinguacousy | Peel | Scottish | Apprentice Surveyor | Yes | Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archive |
Shadd, Garrison William | 1881 | 1889 | Raleigh | Kent | African | Farmer | Yes | Buxton National Historic Site & Museum |
Short, Nellie | 1926 | 1981 | West Garafraxa | Wellington | Farm Woman | No | Wellington County Museum and Archives | |
Shreve, William Jeremiah | 1907 | 1907 | Raleigh | Kent | African | Farmer | Yes | Buxton National Historic Site & Museum |
Simpson, Elizabeth | 1877 | 1907 | East Garafraxa | Dufferin | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Dufferin County Museum & Archives |
Simpson, Carver | 1878 | 1882 | East Garafraxa | Dufferin | English | Farmer | Yes | Dufferin County Museum & Archives |
Smith, Benjamin | 1799 | 1849 | Ancaster | Wentworth | From US | Farmer/Lay Preacher | No | Archives of Ontario |
Smith, George B. | 1868 | 1869 | Arthur | Wellington | Irish | Farmer/student | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Smith, Frederic | 1869 | 1877 | Picton | Prince Edward | German | Cordwainer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Smith , Susanah (Susie) M. | 1874 | 1874 | Arthur | Wellington | Irish | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Snider, Katherine Edith Hartman | 1902 | 1904 | Ernestown | Lennox & Addington | German | Farm woman | Yes | Museum of Lennox and Addington |
Standen, William | 1879 | 1895 | Vespra | Simcoe | English | Farmer | No | Trent University Archives, 1879-1895 diary available online at |
Stein, Solomon | 1873 | 1924 | East Zorra | Oxford | German | Farmer | Yes | Tavistock and District Historical Society |
Sunley, Ann Amelia Day | 1878 | 1879 | Eramosa | Wellington | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Wellington County Museum and Archives |
Sunter , William | 1857 | 1914 | Eramosa | Wellington | Scottish | Farmer | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Swale, Cecil | 1904 | 1904 | Amabel | Bruce | English | Farmer | Yes | Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre |
Sweeney, Peter | 1839 | 1850 | South Crosby | Leeds & Grenville | Irish | Lockmaster of Jones Falls | No | Library and Archives Canada |
Sweet, Charlotte “Aleta” Dance | 1929 | 1973 | Dorchester South, and by 1956 Malahide | Elgin | English | Farm Woman | No | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Sweet, Melba Rosamond | 1928 | 1999 | Malahide | Elgin | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Sweet, Rosamond McKenney | 1881 | 1927 | Malahide | Elgin | Scottish & Dutch | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Switzer, Christopher | 1881 | 1883 | Nepean | Carleton, now Ottawa | German | Farmer | No | Upper Canada Village |
Thomas, Charles | 1850 | 1852 | Algona | Bathurst District, later Renfrew | English | Farmer, Trader | Yes | Library and Archives Canada |
Thompson, William | 1842 | 1847 | South Easthope | Perth | Irish | Farmer | Yes | Courtesy of Stratford-Perth Archives |
Thompson, Thomas | 1883 | 1900 | Toronto Gore | Peel | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Tidy, John Arthur | 1838 | 1845 | Norwich | Oxford | English | Farmer, Surveyor, Teacher | No | Archives of Ontario |
Tindle, James | 1895 | 1895 | Smith | Peterborough | ? | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Treffry, Alice Coreless | 1900 | 1900 | Hawtrey, South Norwich | Oxford | English | Married to Farmer | Yes | Norwich Archives |
Treffry , Charles John | 1867 | 1867 | Norwich | Oxford | English | Farmer | Yes | Norwich Archives |
Tunis, Cora | 1904 | 1974 | Flamboro West | Wentworth | Welsh | Daughter of a farmer | No | Dundas Museum and Archives |
Tweedie/Milne, Frances (Frank) | 1866 | 1882 | Whitby | Ontario then, now Durham | Scottish | Farm Woman | No | Archives of Ontario |
Upton, Colonel William R. | 1827 | 1893 | Gloucester | Carleton | English | Civil Engineer, Farmer | No | Library and Archives Canada |
Van Sickle, Sidney Clarence | 1909 | 1913 | Beverly North | Wentworth | German | Tenant Farmer, Store Clerk, Shipper | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Walton, Minetta “Nettie” | 1883 | 1890 | Trafalgar South | Halton | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Walton, Sarah | 1883 | 1883 | Trafalgar South | Halton | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Walton, Annie Bronte | 1883 | 1883 | Trafalgar South | Halton | English | Farm woman | Yes | Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph |
Washington, Clara and Joseph | 1896 | 1896 | W. Wawanosh | Huron | English | Farmer | No | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Washington, Walter Jenkins | 1945 | 1954 | W. Wawanosh | Huron | English | Farmer | No | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Waters, James M. | 1908 | 1920 | Williams East | Middlesex | Scottish | Farmer, Carpenter | No | Waterloo Region Museum |
Watson, William (Henry) | 1881 | 1911 | Orford | Kent | English | Merchant/Newspaper Editor | Yes | Private Collection of Leah Wilson |
Watson, Jeannie | 1901 | 1902 | Aldborough | Elgin | Scottish | Farm Woman | Yes | Elgin County Archives |
Watson , Robert | 1885 | 1885 | 1) Stanley (1881); 2) Tuckersmith (1891) | Huron | English | Framer (1881), Farmer (1891) | Yes | Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol |
Watt, Daniel | 1873 | 1887 | Ramsay | Lanark | Scottish | Carpenter | Yes | Lanark Genealogical Society |
Welch Hill , Sarah | 1821 | 1881 | Hope | Durham | English | Farm Woman | Yes | Archives of Ontario |
Williams, Carolyn (Carrie) | 1894 | 1916 | Hallowell | Prince Edward | English | Housewife | Yes | Prince Edward County Archives |
Williams Trout, Mary | 1867 | 1920 | St. Vincent | Grey | English | Teacher, Farmwoman, Housewife | Yes | Grey County Museum and Archives |
Wilson, James Henry | 1871 | 1871 | Uxbridge | Ontario | English | Plough Salesman, Farmer | No | Uxbridge Public Library |
Wilson, Edmund | 1870 | 1911 | Hope | Durham | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario, John J. Wilson fonds |
Wilson, George | 1833 | 1859 | Medonte | Simcoe | English | Gentleman Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Wilson, James | 1862 | 1892 | Hope | Durham | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario, John J. Wilson fonds |
Wooley, Joseph H. | 1861 | 1898 | Windham | North Norfolk | English | Farmer | No | Archives of Ontario |
Wright, George | 1872 | 1879 | Amherst Island | Lennox & Addington | Scottish | Farmer, Merchant | No |